2. Annual event
  3. Setsubun Bean-throwing and Yakuyoke Hoshimatsuri / Grand Goma Ceremony

Setsubun Bean-throwing and Yakuyoke Hoshimatsuri / Grand Goma Ceremony


February 3rd, 11 am

Yaku-Yoke(Apotropaic prayers)
For those who face an inauspicious year, this is a chance to participate in an apotropaic ritual to ward off misfortune.
In the Buddhist tradition, setsubun(February third, and end of Winter) marks the beginning of the new year. On this day we pray to Fudo Myoo.

Inauspicious years are ages 19 and 33 for women (calculated using the Chinese system where at the time of birth you are 1 year old), and ages 25 and 42 for men.

A ceremony to ward the evil out of your body if one (or more) of 9 appointed parts hurts.

Hoshimatsuri(Star Festival)
A Buddhist ceremony where we pray and honor the seven stars of the Big Dipper, the nine planets, the twelve zodiacal signs, and the twenty-eight lunar mansions.

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